Saturday, 18 July 2009

Title? No Really

I return to this a few months later and can't figure out my own title. 64M3HO521

64M3 = Game?
643521 are the numbers on a d6?
51MO2 = Simon?
H521 = Hvnt?
3H from H3RNE?
MHO = Scale of hardness?

I have no idea... but I might just as well keep it...

Friday, 1 May 2009

Title WTH?

If you're reading this, please stop. Go outside and play. Or just go and play. It's what I should be doing.

I only really created this blog so I could comment on others that are of interest. I'm actually a Physics Teacher, with an interest in indie games both wired and unplugged. I hope that clears up the blog title ;)

Maybe this might be of use as online thinky space. If I never post again you know it wasn't.